Appendicitis Symptoms or Gall Bladder Symptoms?
It may be difficult to tell the difference between appendicitis symptoms and gall bladder symptoms when the two often cause abdominal pain. The two usually mimic gastrointestinal problems, and this often causes people to ignore the two symptoms because they frequently mimic other diseases.
Women are three times more likely to develop gallstones symptoms, but in men, appendicitis is more common.
Appendicitis symptoms occur when the appendix becomes inflamed.
The appendix is a finger-like structure that is connected to the large intestines, found on the lower-right side of the abdomen.
The function of the appendix is unknown. When the appendix becomes blocked from feces, parasites, enlarged lymph tissues, or even from trauma, it can cause inflammation.
Specific symptoms include pain beginning near the belly button and slowly moving out towards the lower right side of the abdomen.
The pain will gradually worsen and individuals may lose their appetites as well. They may feel the urge to urinate often and their stools may contain mucus in it.
Gallbladder symptoms are commonly associated with a gallbladder attack. A gallbladder attack occurs when gallstones get stuck in your bile duct. The gallbladder attack can last from a half an hour to several hours. This can slow or stop the flow of the bile. The pain you will feel will either be a dull ache or a sharp jabbing pain.
Other symptoms include: nausea and vomiting, excessive weight loss, increased flatulence, chest pain, back pain, pain between the shoulder blades, more difficulty walking or sitting up straight, and headaches.
Symptoms of gall bladder problems include: upper abdominal pain. This pain is often located on the right side of the body.
Appendicitis symptoms also include abdominal pain, however, this pain is more commonly located on the lower right side of the abdomen.
You may find relief by lying down on a pillow on the left side of the body. This will help lessen the pressure on the gallbladder. You may also find that the symptoms occur more often after large fatty meals.
Sometimes, the gallstones can completely block the flow of the bile. This will cause the bile to be backed up into your liver and forced into your bloodstream. When bile enters your bloodstream, it will turn your skin and the whites of your eyes yellow. This condition is known as jaundice.
If you believe that your appendicitis symptoms are the cause of your gastrointestinal pain, it is important to see your physician right away.
If the infected appendix isn’t removed, there is a high chance that it will burst and spread bacteria throughout your abdominal area, leading to more health problems.
If you believe you are experiencing gall bladder symptoms, and notice they are accompanied by a fever, the chills, or jaundice, please see your doctor right away as well. These are signs that your condition is more severe. Your doctor will be able to carefully examine your condition and recommend a suitable treatment for you, whether you have appendicitis symptoms or symptoms from a gall bladder issue.